
Friday, May 10, 2013

The Fourth Glorious Mystery ~ The Assumption

"I believe in the Resurrection of the Body and the life of the world to come," we pray in the Nicene Creed. And Mary in her Assumption is the first to enjoy this promise. In this icon the apostles have gathered to visit the tomb of the Virgin Mary, but upon their arrival they found it empty. Another tradition says it was filled with flowers. We see Thomas (poor fellow, once again confounded) who asked for a sign from heaven that indeed She, like her Son, had ascended. Mary kindly dropped her cincture or sash as "token of her affection." This icon is rather primitive - the landscape looks as if it had been done by a child. No matter ~ we are all and always her children.

Our Father, Who art in heaven...

God is no loser. Here Mary takes her place in the inner life of God ~ her place within the Holy Trinity. And there is a place for me too!

Hail Mary, full of grace...

That she stood beneath the cross of her son, Jesus, reveals that Mary had only one desire: to be united with him. And Jesus does not disappoint. I must remember this as I go through my day.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

The word Assumption signifies being taken up: Mary is taken up to be with her Son. Mary is taken up to higher things: from a world of darkness to light and the enjoyment of God's own life.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Eastern Christians call this feast The Dormition of Our Lady ~ Mary's Falling Asleep. But then to wake up fully in God's presence and love. I can begin that heaven now, today, waking up to what God is doing in my life, even in this moment.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

So much talk about division, alienation, separation and loss. And here's this marvelous scene: that when Mary went to heaven, angels welcomed her with songs and conducted her to Jesus, who came to meet her!

Hail Mary, full of grace...

What will heaven be? Surely joy! I have come that you may have joy and have it fully, Jesus said. But this is joy born of relationships healed and whole. Mary and her Son. Me with Jesus! Me with Mary! Us with each other.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

The Sunday Creed says, I believe in the Resurrection of the body and the life of the world to come. And Mary goes first, ahead of us, where body and soul are re-united. Re-union! The healing of all divisions!

Hail Mary, full of grace...

In the Assumption, Mary wears a crown of stars. Heaven will be about light, which is knowing, understanding, seeing rightly, finding the way, being assured, having the mind of Jesus, who calls himself light.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

When we were young and little and we knew the grown-ups were going somewhere, we'd sing out, I want to go too. We dreaded the thought of being left out, left behind. Mary and Jesus have gone to heaven, even in their bodies! I want to go too!

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Mary's story ends with flowers and stars, angel song and seeing Jesus. Her tomb was empty when the apostles gathered. The story doesn't end in decay. Let's be encouraged and gladdened.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...

Foxglove ~ Our Lady's Glove