
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sunday Intercessions ~ Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

One third of the Syrian population has fled the country/ joining the nearly 16 million refugees around the world./ We remember Jesus, Mary and Joseph fleeing to Egypt,/ asking for refugees everywhere to be able to return home in safety and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

Autumn has begun./ And in this season/ a great maple tree can drop many thousands of leaves./ We ask for the grace to drop pettiness,/ grudges/ and the many resentments that keep us from the inner freedom which ought to characterize the friends of Jesus./ We pray to the Lord.

This time of year/ the Jewish people keep a number of holidays./ We pray for them,/ asking that they would grow in/ and remain faithful to/ the covenants God has established with them./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for our friends who are near and far away./ We ask that we would be good friends:/ faithful,/ attentive,/ supportive and generous./ And we pray for the many people in this world who are without friends./ We pray to the Lord.

Monks and nuns give an important witness to the world:/ that people can live well together despite our many differences./ We pray for monastics to be blessed in their lives of community,/ hospitality/ work and prayer./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray in solidarity with those who live where there is war,/ catastrophe and hardship./ We pray for the sick,/ those in mourning or mental darkness/ and for their healing./ We pray to the Lord.

This week our country witnessed another mass-shooting/ leaving more than a dozen people dead and others seriously injured./ We beg God for the healing of our nation/ which can only begin with the last bit of violence being wrung out of each of our hearts./ And we pray for all who have died - mindful of those who die suddenly and violently./ We pray to the Lord.