
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sunday Intercessions ~ Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pope Francis has said that some,/ even in the highest levels of Church-life,/ have "grown weary of the humility of Christ."/ We ask for the deep renewal of our Catholic-Christian lives,/ born out of love for Jesus in the Gospels./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the people who are helpers wherever there are terrorist attacks around the world:/ for police,/ fire and emergency personnel./ And for all those who are involved in recovery and healing efforts./ We pray to the Lord.

We stand in oneness of heart with the over two million Syrian refugees who have fled their country./ We pray for the poor,/ the sick,/ the friendless and the needy./ We pray for those who assist and care for persons who are weak and vulnerable./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who are preparing for marriage everywhere,/ remembering as well those marriages that are weak,/ troubled,/ and in need of honesty and healing./ We pray to the Lord.

We remember those who struggle with special emotional or physical needs/ as well as those who accompany and care for them./ We entrust to God's care those who serve in the military under every  flag/ asking for them to return home in safety and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

We hold in our hearts the members of our family,/ asking for safety and good health,/ renewal and an up-building in faith,/ hope and love./ We pray to the Lord.

We remember those who have died/ acknowledging there are many who have no one to mourn them,/ asking for the departed to enjoy the fullness of God's light,/ life and love./ We pray to the Lord.