
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sunday Intercessions ~ The Feast of Christ the King

It is the Feast of Christ the King./ We thank God for the liturgical Year of Grace that is ending/ and pray that we would live fruitful lives of faith,/ hope and charity./ We pray to the Lord.

This feast originates from a time when the world was again preparing for war./ We pray for a world converted to the mind of the just and peaceful Jesus./ We pray to the Lord.

Jesus our King asks us to feed the hungry,/ give drink to the thirsty,/ clothe the naked,/ shelter the homeless,/ visit the sick and imprisoned./ We ask for the insight and will to follow his mandate well./ We pray to the Lord.

Jesus tells his disciples to own nothing,/ yet once again we begin the holiday shopping season,/ which promises meaning and happiness in owning things./ We pray for hearts that are inwardly free for the pursuit of spiritual and deeply human concerns./ We pray to the Lord.

Jesus our King wears a thorn-crown./ We pray for those who suffer human indignities,/ torture,/ enslavement,/ false imprisonment,/ false execution./ We pray to the Lord.

Advent begins next week./ We pray to delay feasting and celebrating without first entering into our own personal Advent-tension of light and dark./ We pray for those who will approach Christmas through the doors of repentance and reconciliation./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray that the sick would know the gentle love and consolation of Jesus,/ our crucified and risen King./ We pray too for those who have died this past year and for those who mourn them./ We pray to the Lord.