
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sunday Intercessions ~ First Sunday of Advent

As we begin the month of December this week/ we ask a blessing for all who will celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries,/ or other days of remembrance./ We pray to the Lord.

Hanukkah and Advent candles burn at the same time this year./ We ask for Jews and Christians to be agents of light in the world's darkness./ We pray to the Lord.

As we begin Advent/ we pray to be spiritually-minded/ and not so quick to begin the celebration of Christ's birth before it is time./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray to enter the holiday time freed of resentments./ And so we pray for those who have harmed,/ offended,/ burdened,/ cheated or exploited us./ Trusting that Jesus is patient with our efforts to forgive,/ we ask for hearts of mercy,/compassion and love./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for all who are sick,/ wounded,/ forgotten,/ those in prison, or who live where there is war,/ disaster or fear./ We ask for the endurance and safety of people who are trying to create a peaceful world/and those who offer themselves to help where there is human need./ We pray to the Lord.

Finally,/ we pray for those who have died since last Advent/ asking for them to be freed of darkness/ and to live in the place of God's light./ We pray to the Lord.