
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday in Advent


The December sun was re-born this week/ now the light will begin to increase./ We ask God to reveal the victory of light over darkness in our personal,/ familial,/ national and ecclesial lives./ We pray to the Lord.

Last week the nation marked the first anniversary of the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School./ We pray for mourners and all whose lives need healing after the trauma of death,/ war,/ disaster and loss./ We pray to the Lord.

Soon we will be gathering with family and friends for Christmas./ We ask for the safety of travelers and for peace in our homes./We pray as well for any of our relatives who no longer believe./We pray to the Lord.

As our Advent attention turns to Mary in her pregnancy/ we pray for women everywhere who are awaiting the birth of a child./ We pray too for the children of the world,/ that they would be protected and loved,/ and grow in safety,/ peace and strength./ We pray to the Lord.

As the winter time officially begins/ we pray for those who lack shelter,/ warmth or companionship./ We ask a blessing for those who assist people with the troubles and challenges that come with winter./ We pray to the Lord.

Parishes will receive guests and visitors over the Christmas time./ We pray to be blessed with the graciousness of Jesus,/ to welcome people with joy and openness,/ and as we kneel by the manger/ we would be freed of bitterness and resentment./ We pray to the Lord.

While we pray for those whose bodies need healing/ we pray as well for the healing of spiritual and emotional wounds./ We ask that those who have died would see the face of God in the Risen-Jesus./ We pray to the Lord.