
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Intercessions for the Feast of the Epiphany

Star of Bethlehem

The guiding star originated in the East./ We pray for Eastern Christians who are often persecuted for Christ:/for their strengthening,/ freedom and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

When the magi arrived at Bethlehem/ they found Jesus, Mary and Joseph./ We pray for the up-building of families everywhere,/ mindful of families where faith has been lost/ or where there is addiction,/ violence and financial struggle./ We pray to the Lord.

The star of Bethlehem signifies Christ's royalty./ We pray that we would claim Jesus Christ anew as Savior and Lord./ We pray to the Lord.

The magi discovered the Child called Prince of Peace/ in that part of the world which is often at war./ We pray to discover how we might be peace-makers/ and for global leaders to be given fresh energies to the creation of peace./ We pray to the Lord.

We pause to pray for the many people entrusted to our prayer./ We remember the sick,/ the un-employed,/ the elderly,/ the children,/ the dying/ and for their salvation./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for loved-ones who have died./ We pray for the faithful and the not-so-faithful departed,/ and that with them we would behold the face of God in Christ-Jesus./ We pray to the Lord.