
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sunday Intercessions ~ Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


We pray for all who are struggling this winter here and elsewhere,/ for those who lack food,/ friendship and proper shelter./ We ask for the softening of hearts to help those who are forgotten./ We pray to the Lord.

Each January the Church prays for the protection of all human life./ We ask for a national conversion which recognizes each human person as a thought of God,/ a heartbeat of God./ We pray to the Lord.

We all know people who have particular struggles,/ burdens and problems to bear./ We ask for them to be blessed with  gifts of courage,/ strength and endurance./ For the troubled country of Syria./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who despite their best efforts/ are still finding it difficult to secure work or to make ends meet./ And that we would be grateful for the work we have to do./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the men and women who are members of the armed forces,/ boldly asking for that world peace which would allow soldiers and sailors all around the world/ to return home in happiness and security./ We pray to the Lord.

As we approach the altar we pray for priests:/ for young priests and elderly priests,/ for priests who are tired,/ sick,/ unhappy,/ damaged or in any kind of trouble./ For the renewal and up-building of the priesthood in every place./ We pray to the Lord.

We hold our families in prayer now/ asking for restored health and consolation for all who are afflicted with sickness,/ sadness,/ trouble or anxiety./ We pray to the Lord.

We call to mind those known to us who have died./ We pray for deceased clergy and members of our parishes/ asking for their fulfillment in Christ./ We pray to the Lord.