
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Intercessions ~ Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

At the start of March,/ mindful of those who celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries and other days of remembrance,/ we ask for the blessings of good health,/ safety and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the Church throughout the world,/ asking God to fashion us into communities where alienated and marginalized persons may discover a home;/ where people can hope to find refreshment,/ renewal and reconciliation./ We pray to the Lord.

Ash Wednesday approaches./ We ask for clarity as to how we might grow in Christ this Lent./ For the strengthening of our prayer,/ and that we would rely upon God in what tempts us./ We pray to the Lord.

As Lent approaches/ that we would be practitioners of the Works of Mercy:/ feeding the hungry,/ giving drink to the thirsty,/ clothing the naked,/ sheltering the homeless,/ visiting the sick and the imprisoned,/ burying the dead./ We pray to the Lord.

Again we pray for the nations of the world./ This week we pray for the people and governments of: Anguilla,/ Antigua & Barbuda,/ Argentina,/ Armenia,/ Aruba and Australia./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who in the stresses and challenges of life are feeling hopeless./ We remain in a prayerful union with the sick,/ the poor,/ the un-befriended,/ those displaced and all who live in fear./ We pray to the Lord.

Finally/ we pray for those who have died to experience the joy of the Father's house/ and the bright and welcoming face of Jesus-Risen./ We pray to the Lord.