
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sunday Intercessions ~ The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We pray for ourselves,/ our families and those who are around us at Mass today,/ and that Jesus would be able to depend on us./ We pray to the Lord.

Each week people entrust themselves to our prayer./ We pray for those concerns now:/ asking for health,/ courage,/ comforting and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

We long for a more just and safe world,/ praying boldly for the resolution of conflicts which would allow soldiers and sailors of every nation to return home in peace./ We pray to the Lord.

On the old liturgical calendar/ this Sunday is called Septuagesima, or seventy days to Easter./ From our distressed human condition we ask to seek the Risen Christ as our Remedy./ We pray to the Lord.

Since last Sunday the light has increased by a few minutes./ We ask for that inner Christ-light/ which finds us where we hide in shadows or stubborn unknowing./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis hopes for our Church to enter a new era:/ a simpler Church,/ a more humble, repentant Church,/ a Church which helps an anguished world to heal./ We pray for God to lead us to the realization of this fresh vision./ We pray to the Lord.

We commend to God those who are dead to this world/ that they may live forgiven and mercifully embraced by the Risen Christ./ We pray to the Lord.