
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Intercessions ~ The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Oldest known wooden building in Russia ~
The Raising of Lazarus

Soon it will be Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week./ The time of the Jewish Passover approaches as well./ We ask for days of peaceful reflection./ We pray to the Lord.

Lazarus,/ Martha and Mary were brother and sisters./ We pray for families around the world,/ mindful of those suffering the effects of war,/ famine,/ abuse,/ poverty,/ displacement or disaster./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask for the deepening of our prayer/ and for a revival where we have perhaps abandoned prayer,/ or where our prayer has become minimal,/ routine,/ selfish or tepid./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask for an increase of faith,/ hope and love where we are discouraged,/ tired,/ frustrated or feeling empty./ We pray to the Lord.

Again in our prayer/ we intercede for the countries of the world,/ praying now for the people and lands of Cambodia,/ Cameroon,/ Canada,/ Cape Verde,/ Cayman Islands,/ Central African Republic and Chad./ We pray to the Lord.

Millions live in refugee camps where there is the disruption of war./ We pray for them and for the sick,/ those in hospitals,/ nursing homes and hospices./ For the strengthening of caretakers/ and for anyone who is alone./ We pray to the Lord.

Finally/ we pray for those who have died to know the fullness of Jesus' love for them./ We pray to the Lord.