
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Intercessions ~ Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday night we pray for the renewal of the Church throughout the world. / We pray especially for the Church where it is very poor,/ too comfortable, forgetful or lukewarm in response to Her Lord./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the renewal of the priesthood./ We pray for the priests who have cared for our families over the years./ We pray for priests who are tired,/ sick,/ newly ordained,/ elderly,/ addicted or troubled./ We pray to the Lord.

Tonight we pray for the children throughout the world who are preparing for the reception of their First Holy Communion soon after Easter./ We pray for hearts that are fervent for Jesus/ and for parents who will model for them a deep response to God in Christ./ We pray to the Lord.

The Eucharist is food/ and so we pray for those who have no food/ or only inadequate food./ We ask for grateful hearts that take nothing for granted,/ and that we would be generous in sharing with others./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who are sick,/ calling to mind family,/ friends and neighbors who are struggling with illness or aging./ We pray for those who are fearful or alone and for their comforting./ We pray to the Lord.

Finally we pray for those who have fallen asleep in Christ and for all of the departed/ that with the saints they may enjoy the place of refreshment,/ light and peace./ We pray to the Lord.