
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday of Easter

At the start of May we remember those who keep birthdays,/ anniversaries,/ or other days of remembrance./ For the blessings of gratitude and comfort./ We pray to the Lord.

May is Mary's month./ We pray for human hearts to revel in the atmosphere of peace,/ humility,/ warmth and love she creates around her Son./ We pray to the Lord.

The world so often fails its children./ We boldly ask for every child to be welcomed,/ safeguarded,/ blessed and nurtured well./ We pray to the Lord.

In the Easter time around the world,/ children will receive their First Holy Communion./ Sharing their joy/ we pray for them to grow in friendship with Jesus/ and ask the blessings of peace and stability for their homes./ We pray to the Lord.

Oxygen increases in the world this time of year as the forests of our hemisphere leaf out and green./ We ask as well for peace to increase and grow in every corner of the world./ For an end to the waste,/ fear and death of wars./ We pray to the Lord.

We stand in a prayerful solidarity with the countries of Czech Republic,/ Denmark,/ Djbouti,/ Dominica,/ Dominican Republic and East Timor,/ entrusting to God's kind mercy those who govern and those who are frail,/ poor or vulnerable./ We pray to the Lord.

We remember the many people entrusted to our own prayer,/ remembering at Mass our relatives,/ friends,/ neighbors and colleagues who carry burdens and concerns./ We pray to the Lord.