
Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Fourth Joyful Mystery ~ The Presentation in the Temple

Our Father Who art in heaven...

Forty days after the Child Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph took him to the Temple in Jerusalem, God's great and beautiful house. The temple was so splendid, the golden roof shone like the sun. Now Jesus is the NEW temple - the NEW house of God.

Hail Mary full of grace...

I see here that Mary had to let go of her Child so Simeon could offer him to God. Letting go can be very difficult. God has let go of a lot to come and be with us in Jesus.  I'll ask for a generous heart that can let go so I can forgive, let go so others can have a chance, let go so others can be happy.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary holds a candle in the picture here to remind me that Jesus is Light. People sometimes do terrible things that make the world dark. But I'll carry Christ-Light inside me!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Joseph and Mary went to the temple to dedicate the Baby to God. Jesus lived this dedication all the way: he fed the hungry, he healed the sick, he forgave sins, he even raised the dead to new life. And Jesus became my brother when I met him for the first time in my Baptism!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary probably showed the Holy Infant to people who wanted to see the Baby's face. And I can see the Holy Face too - deeply inside. I will stay close to goodness. I can even close my eyes and imagine holding the Christ Child as Mary places him in my arms.

Hail Mary full of grace...

In the Bible when you dedicated your child to God you left a nice gift at the temple. Joseph and Mary were poor and could only afford the gift of two doves. So many people have nothing. But God loves the poor and asks us to love them too.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Joseph and Mary were happy in Jerusalem the day they presented Jesus at the temple. But then old Simeon said that when Jesus grows up, the secret thoughts of whether people accept or reject him will be known. I want to make it clear right now - I not only accept Jesus, but I love him.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary probably had a mix of tears on this Presentation Day. First there were the tears of joy, she was the new mother of a beautiful boy. But there were also the sad tears when Simeon said she would feel sorrow when Jesus was rejected. An awful lot of people cry sad tears in our world. I'll keep a place in my heart for them, and dry tears when I can.

Hail Mary full of grace...

A very old woman named Ana was in the temple that day too. Ana's husband had died a long time ago and she stayed in the temple night and day thanking God. There are hundreds and hundreds of reasons everyday to thank God.

Hail Mary full of grace...

When Simeon took the Child Jesus into his arms he thanked God and said, "My eyes have seen your salvation, Lord." Salvation is a big word for the little word saved. I'm saved! But I'm not only saved from bad things, but even more importantly I'm saved for what's good. I'm saved to be a person of light and friendship. I'm saved for the joy of being a believer in Jesus. I'm saved to live a happy life with God - even forever!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...