
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Fourth Glorious Mystery ~ The Assumption of Mary

Our Father Who art in heaven...

When Mary died the apostles came together from many places to bury her. Here they hold  a long and beautiful cloth at her head and feet. They will wrap her carefully and with thankfulness in their hearts for having known her. She must have been like a mother to them all. And to us!

Hail Mary full of grace...

It seems that Thomas was far away when Mary died. When he arrived, Mary had already been buried. And so the apostles took him to Mary's grave. She had followed her Son to heaven. Flowers and a beautiful fragrance filled the air when her tomb was opened. Following Jesus is all about life! There is nothing to fear!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Assumption means taken up. Assumption is Mary's Easter. And so it is a time of flowers. Mary's Easter feast is celebrated on August 15, a time when the garden is giving one last big push of beauty. The flowers seem to say: There is an Easter for everyone - be glad about the life Jesus promises.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary is taken up into heaven - even in her body - and the angels are glad. The humans are glad too! Heaven is our forever home. The joy Jesus promised is for all of us.

Hail Mary full of grace...

In the painting Jesus blesses his Mother as he stands over her. She is asleep in death. But who is the little baby Jesus holds all dressed in white? It is Mary's soul. Every human being has a one of a kind soul. This is my inner person. It is the place where God has the deepest knowledge of who I am - a secret inside place very precious to God.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Some people say that Mary isn't important. Oh no! Mary makes an atmosphere around Jesus. She teaches us to be generous with God. Closeness to Mary is like stepping into a cloud of fresh and bright air. I want to be part of that life-breathing! 

Hail Mary full of grace...

Here is a picture of the grotto at Lourdes in France, where the Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette eighteen times in 1858. Sometimes when Bernadette would ask a question, the Lady from Heaven would only smile. There's so much anger and crying ~ don't we need more smiles in our world?

Hail Mary full of grace...

Just as at Easter, the Assumption word is Alleluia! It reminds us of the sounds a baby makes who can't speak yet. There are no words to describe how wonderful friendship with God is.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Jesus said, "I call you my friends." And this is what Mary does in heaven now. She has entered the Father's House and experiences God's deepest friendship.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary is clothed with the sun. At Guadalupe in Mexico, when Mary appeared to Juan Diego, she stood in front of the sun. Nothing dims her brightness. She is walking towards us. Stop for a moment and imagine her greeting.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...