
Friday, May 2, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Second Joyful Mystery ~ The Visitation

Our Father who art in Heaven...

After the Angel Gabriel left, Mary didn't waste time but went quickly to see Elizabeth. She was eager to tell others what God had done for her. Every day there is something wonderful to share. Let's not waste a lot of time just thinking about it - let's do it!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Look, the painter has given us a special vision to see the secret place where Jesus and John were growing inside their mothers, Mary and Elizabeth. Every person comes from the breath and heartbeat of God.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Elizabeth's and Mary's hands are joined together in a deep love for each other. Hands are very important, aren't they? We can hurt people with our hands or we can welcome, heal and help others with our hands.

Hail Mary full of grace...

In this painting Mary is on the left wearing white. She looks tired, probably because she had to walk the long and dangerous way. Still, Mary gives everything to God - even her tiredness. I have a feeling she prayed along the way and thought deeply about the happy news she had to share with Elizabeth.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Elizabeth said to Mary, "The baby inside me just jumped for joy when he heard your voice." The first person to recognize Jesus is a baby waiting to be born. The name of Jesus can cause my heart to jump for joy!

Hail Mary full of grace...

The hilly path that Mary walked to visit Elizabeth

Elizabeth is Mary's older relative and she is pregnant too. Mary climbed up and down the hills of Judea which made her journey difficult. She carried Jesus inside - God was hurrying to be with us ~ overcoming everything that could get in the way, especially hearts that are hardened like rock.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary was pregnant about ten days when she finally arrived at Elizabeth's house. The baby was still very tiny, only about the size of the head of a pin. God put me together too and had the idea of who I am, long before I was born.

Hail Mary full of grace...

God has visited our world in Jesus Christ. We're never alone, are we? When I haven't done well on a test or I missed the ball in the game and I feel so disappointed, God is near in Jesus. When I've heard that someone dear to me is sick and I start to worry, God is near in Jesus. When I learn that there is suffering close by or far away, God is near in Jesus.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary stayed with Elizabeth until her baby, John, was born. We can imagine Mary stayed to help. There's so much to do when a new baby comes into a home. Am I really a helpful person?

Hail Mary full of grace...

There are lots of important people we can meet: maybe the pope, the president or the principal. But this meeting of Mary and Elizabeth was the most important meeting in the whole world. Jesus was being introduced to the world when Mary visited Elizabeth. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to our earth!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...