
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Second Sorrowful Mystery ~ The Scourging at the Pillar

Our Father Who art in Heaven...

A pillar is a great piece of stone that's shaped like a pole and holds up the front of a building. The soldiers had a pillar used for whipping people they said were criminals. People also believed that pillars held up the sky, like a huge upside down bowl hanging over us! Now Jesus holds up the heavens and the earth by his great act of suffering and love for us.

Hail Mary full of grace...

After Jesus was arrested in the garden he was put in jail for the night. The soldiers were cruel and hit Jesus with sharp whips. We have to stop all the hitting: hitting our parents or brothers and sisters, and even hitting animals. Maybe the only thing we should hit is our pillow or a punching bag when we get really frustrated.

Hail Mary full of grace...

And the soldiers did other terrible things to Jesus, like spitting and cursing at him. People were angry that Jesus wasn't a king with great power. They were disappointed that he was a servant of love.

Hail Mary full of grace...

The soldiers whipped people to embarrass them and make them feel like nothing. So many people in the world feel that way today: forgotten, unimportant, ignored and hated. But Jesus understands and loves them dearly. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

The hands of Jesus were tied together. His freedom was taken away. These are the hands that cured sick people, blessed little children and gave the bread that fed five thousand people. I'll use my hands for helping people too.

Hail Mary full of grace...

When Jesus was nailed to the cross he asked God to forgive the soldiers who had done these things to him. There are people in the world today who act like these Roman soldiers. They don't act the way real human beings should act. Forgiveness is a very difficult part of being a Christian. Maybe the hardest part.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Surely Mary was nearby while Jesus was in jail. One movie shows how Jesus was in a jail cell underground and Mary could sense where he was. She found the exact spot and pressed her face to the floor right over Jesus, who knew she was above him. We hear some water drops fall from the ceiling. Perhaps they were Mary's tears.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Of course, Jesus understands loneliness. His friends had run away. The soldiers hurt and shamed him. There was no comfort for him. Imagine in your mind that you are able to sneak into the jail cell where Jesus is locked away. You sit and speak with him to help him feel less alone. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

Sarcasm is a strange way of being funny. It uses a person's weakness to make others laugh. We use sarcasm at home, at school, with teammates and friends. While there's laughing all around, sarcastic humor can make feelings sting and bleed - like a whip. 

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Who am I? I'm not a pair of expensive sneakers or the team I belong to that wins games. I'm not the name brand knapsack some people say I must carry. I am a friend of Jesus. That means I will stay close to Jesus where there is suffering or sorrow. I will stay with him all the way through to the brightness of Easter. I must learn to be patient.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...