
Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Second Luminous Mystery ~ The Wedding at Cana

Our Father Who art in Heaven...

This wedding miracle is called a Luminous Mystery. Luminous means showing light. We need light for our bodies to grow but also light to become excellent people inside. This is called virtue. Let's ask Jesus to give us virtues, like: obedience, humility, love, patience, self-control, peace, generosity and energy for God!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Jesus and Mary were invited to a wedding in the little village of Cana. God is sending this message to us: Even though the world is tired and people sometimes do terrible things, I love that world, like a husband loves his new bride.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Wine isn't just a drink for parties in Jesus' time, but a sign of God's heart-to-heart agreement with us: I will be your God and you will be my people. Now Jesus makes a huge amount of wine - he's the new place where we find the heart of God!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary is the first to notice that the wedding has run out of wine. She has a Mother's heart - always on the lookout for upset, trouble or sadness. Let us go to her!

Hail Mary full of grace...

In the Bible wine is also a sign of astonishment. Astonishment means something is startling, surprising, even shocking. Isn't it astonishing that in Jesus, God has come to be with us in our world to share God's light and to love us so?

Hail Mary full of grace...

Wine is made from grapes and grapes grow on vines. And every year the farmer has to cut back the vines so new leaves and grapes can grow. Sometimes we have to be kind of cut back before new growing can happen in us. Oh Jesus, cut back the moodiness in me so it is easier for people to live with me!

Hail Mary full of grace...

But when the grape vines are cut back one drop of water (like a tear) appears at the end of the branch. God knows all about the tears of the world. Truly, God has joined us in our world of tears and promises that we are not alone. Jesus, dry our tears and lift up our heads!

Hail Mary full of grace...

When Mary told Jesus that the wine was gone, Jesus said, "Let's mind our own business, my hour has not yet come." He knows that if he performs a miracle some people will turn against him and say, "Who does he think he is, doing God's work?" But Mary seems to know something about God's secret and she tells the waiters, "Do what Jesus tells you."

Hail Mary full of grace...

Sometimes when people feel sick and weak they are dehydrated, but they don't know it. They think the problem is something else. Their bodies are running out of liquid. The world is thirsty and dehydrated for love and peace, dehydrated for truth and understanding. Jesus can take away this inner thirst ~ Oh, let us listen to him!

Hail Mary full of grace...

The Bible tells us that wine makes hearts glad. And at the wedding Jesus made gallons and gallons of wine - a sign of himself. There are people who have all the things anyone could want, but no joy, while the poorest people in the world, the people who have nothing, do. Many of them will say, "But we have each other and Jesus, God-of-Love in our hearts."

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...