
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Intercessions ~ Sunday of the Holy Trinity

On Trinity Sunday we ask that as we are drawn into God's inner life/ we would find not only God/ but each other/ and all the world in its poverty,/ need and weakness./ We pray to the Lord.

June is the month honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus./ We pray to know the loving kindness of God in Christ/ and to allow ourselves to be changed and evolved by that love./ We pray to the Lord.

We entrust the children of the world to our prayer as they face perils in so many places./ We ask for the movement of hearts which will make the care of the world's children a priority of love./ We pray to the Lord.

This past week kept the anniversary of D-Day which began the Liberation of Europe seventy years ago./ We pray boldly for an end to wars/ and for our own inner liberation from anything that would prevent the full realization of God's rule in our lives./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray to be careful stewards of our planet/ using its resources wisely and justly/ and guardians of the animals,/ plants,/ water and air/ as these are God's gifts to us./ We pray to the Lord.

We continue to pray for the nations of the world,/ today praying for the people and lands of  Iceland,/ India,/ Indonesia,/ Iran,/ Iraq,/ Ireland and Israel,/ We pray to the Lord.

And finally we pray for those who have died,/ calling to mind that so many die violently,/ suddenly,/ alone or without remembrance./ We pray to the Lord.