
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Intercessions ~ Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Christ the Pearl of Great Price ~ Syria

We pray for Pope Francis/ who extends the ministry of St. Peter in our own time,/ asking for his work to be graced,/ and for his safety and good health./ We pray to the Lord.

Christian and other minority communities are severely tested by militant Islamic attacks throughout the Middle East./ We pray for these communities and for the safety and success of those who are trying to live by the peaceful principles of the gospel./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who are returning from wars,/ wounded or damaged./ We pray for peaceful  days/ when soldiers and sailors all around the world will return to their families in safety,/ tranquility and security./ We pray to the Lord.

We stand in a prayerful solidarity with the suffering community of Ferguson, Missouri and wherever there are racial tensions that divide and weaken./ For  gifts of peace and healing./ We pray to the Lord.

Among our relatives and acquaintances there are many whose lives beg for healing./ We remember them where there is depression,/ addiction,/ sickness,/ bankruptcy or family breakdown./ We pray to the Lord.

The world can seem to be descending into chaos./ We pray to remain vigilant,/ faithful and prayerful,/ asking for the conversion of those who do destructive,/ hateful and deadly things./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the many people around the world who have died this week,/ calling to mind that among them are many children./ We pray as well for those who are grieved at the loss of loved ones./ We pray to the Lord