
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Intercessions ~ Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

As Autumn begins/ countless trees will let go of their leaves./ In that spirit/ we pray to surrender suspicion,/ resentment,/ fanciful thinking and possessiveness./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the conversion of those who do hateful,/ deadly things while wearing masks./ And for us to remove our own masks - revealing ourselves before God and others in humility and truth./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis has said that a Third World War has begun in piecemeal./ We pray for sufferers wherever there is fighting/ and for national leaders to implement non-combative ways of resolving the world's deepest problems./ We pray to the Lord.

Saturday is the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul - saint of charity and reformer of the clergy./ We ask for the emotional and spiritual growth of priests/ and blessings for the Church in Her charitable efforts./ We pray to the Lord.

This past week the Church kept the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows/ - Mary standing beneath the cross of Jesus./ We pray for women to be blessed and recognized in their many gifts/ and for help and healing where women suffer the loss of their children by war,/ kidnapping,/ disease,/ calamity or addiction./ We pray to the Lord.

Remembering that every Sunday is a little Easter - a day of Resurrection/ we ask for our nation to rise up out of polarization/ and any bitterness,/ selfishness, or unhealthy pride that forgets,/ marginalizes or diminishes others./ We pray to the Lord.

Calling to mind those who have died/ we ask for them to be freed of darkness/ and to enter the life of God where there is joy and light./ And for the comforting of those around the world who mourn loved ones./ We pray to the Lord.