
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sunday Intercessions ~ Fourth Advent

As winter begins we pray for self knowledge/ where we are feeling cold or frozen about ourselves or our relationships ./ For hearts to be enlightened and warmed by Christ./ We pray to the Lord.

The Jewish People celebrate Chanukah these days - their own feast of light./ We ask for the strengthening of Jewish-Christian relations/ and for the conversion of anti-semitic hearts./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray in the holiday time for the homeless,/ the friendless and all who might feel there is no cause for hope or joy./ We pray to the Lord.

As we prepare to celebrate the feast of God becoming one of us as a little child,/ we pray for the world's children - mindful of the terrorized children of the Middle East./ For their peace,/ good health and protection./ We pray to the Lord.

For those with whom we will share visits,/ gifts and meals at Christmas./ For the safety of winter travelers./ For anyone who is away from home this holiday time./ We pray to the Lord.

Grant a change of heart to those who do menacing/ terrorist and violent things./ Give us all that new heart and mind to be good stewards of the earth which we so often treat badly./ We pray to the Lord.

Give gifts of mercy,/ healing,/ joy and fullness of life to all throughout the world who have died this past year./ We pray to the Lord.