
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The New Creation

THIS YOUNG FELLOW is a Russian monk. The bear is wild: not a circus bear, not a photo-shopped bear, not an orphaned bear domesticated from birth, not a drugged bear, not a stuffed bear. We might think of the story of Saint Seraphim of Sarov who be-friended wild animals in the forest and Saint Francis of Assisi who calmed the wild wolf at Gubbio. 

I can't explain how this happens, but we can wonder. Perhaps the monk is inwardly so reconciled with God, himself, other people, animate and inanimate things that he lives in something of the original creation of Genesis. 

Psalm 51:10 says, Create for me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. I suppose if one prays that prayer often, and desires that renewed heart, the results shouldn't surprise us. 

I imagine this monk has a de-militarized heart, that he doesn't wear masks and has no hidden agenda. I imagine he is a reconciler, free of greed and selfish preoccupations. I imagine he isn't a hater, is humble enough to say I'm sorry and has the desires of God as his priority. He clearly is a happy man.

I'm looking at this monk sharing a hug with a wild bear and imagining a world without guns, rockets, bombs and grenades.