
Friday, February 27, 2015

A Prayer for Peace in Syria

Shelled Syrian home

This prayer is offered through the Church of England, but I've added the line in italics at the end.

Spirit of wisdom and grace,
the power of truth and judgement;
we pray for all who are working for peace
in the tangled conflict of Syria today.

For international leaders holding a thread of control,
for the politicians holding a thread of power,
for the religious leaders holding a thread of authority,
for the fighters holding a thread of influence,
and the citizens clinging to a thread of hope.

Bring unity through the untangled order of justice.
Bring reconciliation through truthful dialogue.
Bring new life through patient diplomacy,
determined mediation and courageous peace-making.
Bring about conversion of heart
through the prayers of  Saint Eid il-Burbara (St. Barbara)
patroness of Syria. 

We pray in the name of Christ
our source of light and love.

Saint Barbara