
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Intercessions ~ Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Quinquagesima

Ice church in Sweden

There are seventy countries where young girls are threatened,/ attacked,/ violated and even killed for going to school./ We pray for the safety of the world's girls/ and the conversion of anyone who would harm them./ We pray to the Lord

Lent begins this Wednesday./ We pray to leave the past in ashes,/ setting out on the forty day journey to an Easter transformation./ We pray to the Lord.

February is Black History Month./ We pray for the healing of our country where racial hatred endures/ and there is inequality and sorrow./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for healing and reconciliation where families are in crisis./ We intercede for the elderly who are alone,/ for those who are homesick/ and for children who are waiting to be adopted./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask the blessings of good health,/ safety and well-being for Pope Francis,/ for priests,/ deacons and seminarians/ and for the Church where it suffers by internal weakness or outside threats./ We pray to the Lord.

In the winter time we pray for the homeless poor./ the unemployed,/ those who must work outdoors,/ and all who help where the winter brings suffering./ We pray to the Lord.

For the sick,/ those in constant pain,/ those who daily manage handicaps and special needs,/ those who struggle with addictions,/ and for the healing of destructive anger./ We pray to the Lord.

For terrorists who take life,/ and for their victims./ For all who have died this week around the world/ and for the comforting of mourners./ We pray to the Lord.