
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The First Station ~ Jesus is Condemned by Pilate

The night before in the garden, Jesus accepted the cup of suffering. Now he is powerless in Pilate's hands. The terrible events which will lead to his being condemned, sentenced and executed begin to unfold. But I must remember, Jesus could have escaped from the garden, seeing the lantern-lit procession coming for him in the night. In his prayer that evening, Jesus had chosen Your will be done.

Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916) was a Catholic Frenchman who lived as a desert-hermit among the tribal populations of Algeria. Learning their language and sharing their struggles, Charles offered himself as a brother and hospitable friend to all, knowing that enemies could take his life at any time. Perhaps I can make his prayer my own:
Father of mine, I place myself into your hands. I give myself over to you. I trust you. Do as you like with me. Whatever you do with me, I thank you. I am ready for anything. I accept anything so long as your will is done within me and all your creatures. I desire nothing else, my God.

Our Father Who Art in Heaven...
Hail Mary, full of grace...
Glory be to the Father...