
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Intercessions ~ Sunday in the Easter Octave

We pray for those who in the Easter time are meeting Jesus for the first time in the water of Baptism,/ asking for them to be strengthened and joyful in their new friendship with Christ./We pray for those who because of their Baptism are taxed,/ harassed,/ persecuted and even killed./ We pray to the Lord.

Globally there are reported to be almost two and a half million persons trapped in human trafficking./ Three million of them are children./ We ask for that new world where persons are safe and free./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope John XXIII's encyclical Peace on Earth/ condemned the killing of civilians in war./ We pray for non militants/ whose safety is threatened by airstrikes in many places./ We pray to the Lord.

At Easter/ Pope Francis asked us to join him in prayer for those nations of the world being destroyed by violent conflicts./ And so we pray with him for the restoration of peace in Syria,/ South Sudan,/ Kenya,/ Nigeria,/ the Republic of Congo,/ Yemen,/ Iraq and Afghanistan./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for our families in the Easter time/ mindful of those who are sick,/ anxious,/ worried,/ addicted,/ or troubled in any way./ For gifts of healing and wholeness./ We pray to the Lord.

Our poor world is burdened and weakened in a great flood of guns and weapons./ We pray for those who make huge profits in the production and widespread sale of these new gods of metal./ We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died since last Easter to know God's eternal joys/ and for those around the world who are dying today in so many invasions,/ wars,/ and awful acts of terrorist violence./ We ask for a new global regard for life./ We pray to the Lord.