
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Intercessions ~ Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Prophet Jeremiah scolds the failed king and leaders of ancient Israel in the lesson today./ And so we pray for candidates seeking political office/ and for those who govern/ asking for them to be freed of greed,/ duplicity,/ pandering,/ and self-aggrandizement./ We pray to the Lord.

Wednesday is the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene ~ Disciple and Friend of Jesus ~ and Easter Witness./ We pray to know Jesus who is risen/ and to love him dearly./ We pray to the Lord. 

We pray for the world where it has become painfully un-balanced/ where there are great divides,/ destruction,/ extinctions or/ exploitation./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray blessings for the strengthening of the world wherever there is a dialogue for peace/ or efforts towards the progress and development of peoples./ We pray to the Lord.

For the safety of summer travelers,/ for those who suffer from the heat or lack of water,/ for those who work out of doors/ or whose job places them in danger./ We pray to the Lord.

For those who adopt children/ for the welcoming of immigrants and refugees,/ for the sick and those who are physically or emotionally challenged,/ for the elderly poor and those who do works of charity./ We pray to the Lord.

For any who are forgotten here in death/ to be recognized,/ called by name/ and welcomed into the loveliness and joy of heaven./ We pray to the Lord.