
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Intercessions ~ Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Racism has been cited as our nation's original sin./ We ask forgiveness for the many manifestations of this flaw in our history and our own time/ and pray for the conversion of our national heart./ We pray to the Lord.

All around the world there are new huddled masses of people/ driven from places ruined by hatred and war./ We ask for hearts eager to welcome and help./ We pray to the Lord.

Thursday is the Feast of  sixth-century Pope Saint Gregory the Great./ We pray for Pope Francis to be welcomed to our country/ with joy and openness./ We pray to the Lord.

As September begins we pray for those who return to school,/ and those who celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries and other days of remembrance,/ asking for the blessings of good health,/ safety and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for rescuers and helpers where there is fire,/ disease,/ war,/ calamity or disaster./ Grant us charitable hearts./ We pray to 
the Lord.

In our prayer we think of those who are sick physically or sick in spirit./  We entrust to God's care the poor,/ the displaced,/ the children who need to be protected,/ those who suffer injustice,/ the confused and those without friend or helper./ We pray to the Lord.

And we pray for those who have died this week or who are saddened by the death of loved ones./ We ask for the courage needed to address the gun violence which demoralizes and grieves so many./ We pray to the Lord.