
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Saint Dominic's Eighth Way of Prayer

Here is the first time Saint Dominic invites us to sit down, not to put our feet up but to study scripture. I would nuance that a bit: study the Holy Gospels. When I was a pastor in a small rural town the local Methodist minister said at a Ladies Ecumenical Tea, "The Catholics around town know the scriptures better than the Protestants."

What a nice compliment! Still, we mustn't get swelled heads as often knowledge of the gospels among Catholics is abysmal Sad to tell, but I've met young people who can't tell the Christmas story. I met a priest who could pick up a Gospel account at any point and tell the whole story verse by verse by heart. But why not? - some people know all the lines to complicated plays or scenes from a movie, or people who can rattle off team scores and player stats, or the kids who know long rapper lyrics.

My goodness, how can I know Jesus without knowing his words and wonderful deeds. Imagine how much more we could love him if we were even more familiar with the Gospels (which means: A good, life-changing and liberating message). Every once in awhile I am struck by a gospel verse and I say, "After all these years I have no recollection of ever having heard that line before." Of course I have, but by heaven's prompting I am seeing it or hearing it with a new urgency and clarity - a call to decide anew.

Saint Dominic says to sit with God's Word and physically to lean into or over the text. To read the Word slowly, and when I am seized by it to make the Sign of the Cross, and then (get this!) even to allow the Words of Jesus to move me to tears. Words like these;

I have come that you may have joy. Jn 19:22
He loved them to the end.  Jn 13:1
Do not be anxious.  Mt 6:34

A new commandment I give you; love one another.  Jn 13:34,35
Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Jn 14:1
Know that I am with you always, yes to the end of time.  Mt 28:20

As the Father has loved me so I have loved you.  Jn 15:9
Blessed are the merciful, they shall be shown mercy.  Mt 5:7
These words that I speak to you are spirit and life.  Jn 6:63