
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How Not To Hate People ~ The Hilandar Mother of God

This is the wonder-working icon of the Mother of God venerated at the Serbian Hilandar Monastery at Mount Athos in Greece. The monastery was founded by Saint Sava in 1198. Today there are about 45 monks living, praying and working there.

She is very beautiful, isn't she, in her morning sky-colors? Perhaps she portends for us the new and personal dawning of non-hate. Hate doesn't necessarily mean, "I want you dead." Hate means strong feelings against or about someone. We should really stop denying that hate ever finds its way into our lives.

Jesus knew our capacity for hate. In fact, Jesus would say that the real problem today is not sexual things, but that there is so much hate. No one is untouched. To understand, we just have to watch some political news, Judge Judy or Dr. Phil or pay more attention to our thoughts throughout the day. But Jesus tells us that landing in hate is not allowed: that we must get free of it as quickly as possible.

So come before the Hilandar Mother of God, who feeds the Holy Child, and who wants us nourished in kindness and compassion. She doesn't look at Jesus, but at each of us. She knows. She understands that humanity is plagued by negativity, prejudice, stewing in resentment, revenge and hate. 

Coming before the icon, mention the names of every person you feel some negativity towards: the crazy-makers, troublemakers, the jealous colleague or relative, the one who disappoints, the invaders and intruders, the ones who are too needy, demanding or who steal away your energies, the show-offs and argue-ers, the whiners. You name it...

And then after each name simply pray: Oh, Hilandar Mother of God, give her what she needs for salvation.  Oh, Hilandar Mother of God, give him what he needs for salvation. Oh, Hilandar Mother of God, give them what they need for salvation.

This is a wonder-working prayer. It has the power to steal away hate and negativity. And like the cold or flu medicine advertised on TV - take this spiritual medicine at the first sign of negative, resentful or hateful feelings.