
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Intercessions ~ Feast of the Epiphany

Star of Bethlehem

At Epiphany,/ we pray to be restored when we are sad,/ worried,/ over-thinking,/ hurting,/ giving up,/ angry or depressed./ We pray to the Lord.

At the start of January,/ we pray for those who celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries,/ and other days of remembrance./ For safety,/ peace and good health./ We pray to the Lord.

This past year one in every eight babies was born in places of conflict and war,/ bombs,/ bullets,/ destruction and death./ We pray for them,/ asking for stability and safety./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask the blessings of protection and health for Pope Francis as he begins a new year of working to bring renewal to our damaged and weakened Church./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those whose hearts are stubborn,/ lost in ignorance,/ or selfishness./ And that we would know ourselves well./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray blessings of joy and hope where Eastern Christians celebrate Christmas this week,/ and for the Church to be restored to unity where sad divisions persist./ We pray to the Lord.

On the Feast of the Epiphany,/ we ask for Jesus to be newly revealed to each of us./ We remember those who are sick,/ traveling,/ or struggling in any way./ We pray for those who have died this past year,/ and for those who mourn them./ We pray to the Lord.