
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Intercessions ~ Feast of the Lord's Baptism

The Jordan River

Prayer is the flight of the heart to God./ Grant to your Church and all who desire it,/ a renewal of this gift of prayer./ We pray to the Lord.

On this Feast of the Lord's Baptism,/ we pray for those who live without potable water,/ or where there is fighting over water,/ or where people are spiritually dying of thirst./ We pray to the Lord.

Bless families everywhere in their struggles./ Bless the children and the abandoned elderly with companionship,/ support,/ and all they need to live in health and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

Give us a new desire and resolve to create a peaceful world./ Inspire humanity where it is devolving in greed,/ power-abuse,/ lies and destruction./ We pray to the Lord.

Guide those who seek public office/ to the strengthening of conscience,/ good intention/ and the purification of hearts./ We pray to the Lord.

Comfort through justice and charity,/ those who are without basic necessities for whole living./ Heal the deep inner wounds so many suffer/ and those who are violent and angry./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the sick,/ those exhausted by war/ or the flight from conflict and disaster./ And we commend to God's parent-care the souls of all who have died./ We pray to the Lord.