
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wild Garlic ~ Transitioning to Lent

Bless those who desire and work for peace./ Inspire with love those whose hearts are contentious or violent./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who have lost everything,/ mindful of the children who are traumatized/ or who wait to be re-united with their families./ We pray to the Lord.

In our hemisphere/ everyday there is one more minute of light./ Make us children of the Light:/ bright with purified intentions,/ greater justice and unity./ We pray to the Lord. 

In the Jubilee Year:/ for the Church to learn and not fear mercy,/ which is loyal-love/ and a new depth of solidarity in kindness./ We pray to the Lord.

Lent is not far away./ We pray to know God's Lenten invitation to new life,/ growth and change from within./ We pray to the Lord.

Always,/ we pray for the physically sick,/ but also the heart-sick,/ the emotionally sick,/ and persons spiritually stalled in anger,/ frustration or despair./ We pray to the Lord. 

We pray for those who have died recently in wars,/ terrible accidents or disasters,/ and for our departed loved ones./ And to keep our own death before us,/ that we would live our lives truthfully and beautifully/ as Jesus lived his./ We pray to the Lord.