
Monday, February 15, 2016

Lenten Mercy-Meditation: Simon Learns Mercy

Here Simon and Jesus meet each other in the Seventh Station of Mel Gibson's film: The Passion of the Christ. Jesus allows himself to be helped as Simon will carry the better part of the weight. And as Jesus is always teaching, even on the way to his death, there is something for me to learn.

Am I teachable? Allowing Simon to help with the cross, Jesus might be saying to me personally:
  • "Maybe you need to learn that you're not invincible." 
  • "Perhaps you need to admit you're having a hard time keeping it all together."
  • "You possibly need to hear yourself thinking: I can  do it all by  myself, thank you."  
  • "You might need to stop trying to be a one man show." 

People who don't allow others to see them as vulnerable and needy are going to have a hard time getting close to God. On this road of sorrows, Jesus models for us our fundamental stance before God. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. Psalm 34:19 Jesus isn't a weakling because he accepts help, but he is humble. And humble means: I'm no different, I'm weak and needy, just like everyone else.