
Monday, February 8, 2016

Pauca Verba Milestone ~ Community and Thank You!

Kazan Mother of God

Today Pauca Verba (a few words) tipped 250,000 page views. That's a quarter of a million looks since March 2013. Our nation is addicted to numbers: winning numbers, lucky numbers, scores and stats and perhaps especially poll numbers, but that's not what matters here. Some of those page views are faithful followers tuning in, while others might reflect someone's stumbling in while surfing the web. 

Of greater interest is that there is something of a community that checks in here: folks from Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, South Korea, Canada, Philippines, India, The United Kingdom. There's even a fellow who writes from Australia and priests in Ireland and Vietnam who use the intercessions at their Sunday Masses. Some catechists use the Rosary Mysteries with their classes. That's all very encouraging and exciting.

I find it particularly gratifying that unlike so many other blogs, this one is essentially free of bitter contention. I've never conceived of myself as a dogmatist, moralist, canon lawyer, theologian or bishop wannabe, just a pointer. Pauca Verba isn't about debating Church related issues but about the Christian interior life in dry and often confounding times. This approach seems to resonate with folks. 

So thanks to everyone for the interest, suggestions and encouragement you bring and for your good prayer. "May the Lord bring to completion the good thing begun in you."