
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Intercessions ~ Easter Sunday

On Easter morning/ we entrust to the Risen Christ,/ our families,/ and families everywhere,/ asking gifts of safety,/ health,/ healing and growth in goodness./ We pray to the Lord. 

On Easter morning we pray for those who are introduced to Jesus for the first time in the waters of Baptism./ And for ourselves,/ to find new joy,/ strength and hope in Christ./ We pray to the Lord.

On Easter morning/ we entrust Belgium and its people to the Risen Christ/ with prayers for those who recently died there/ or were injured./ We pray for rescuers and helpers/ and for the cure of those who kill,/ destroy and terrorize./ We pray to the Lord. 

On Easter morning, / we pray for Pope Francis/ as he speaks to the world a message of peace and reconciliation./ Give us all we need for the world to be a safer and happier place./ We pray to the Lord.

On Easter morning,/ as Christ exits the tomb full of life,/ we pray for our planet and for its protection and healing./ And that we would be healed of greed and exploitation./ We pray to the Lord.

On Easter morning,/ we pray for those who travel to the Holy Land as pilgrims and for their safety./ We call to mind as well the children,/ the un-employed,/ and those who live there but are burdened with thoughts of hate and conflict./ We pray to the Lord. 

On Easter morning,/ we pray for the sick,/ the elderly-poor,/ those away from home,/ and those who are caught in wars,/ disasters or personal troubles./ We pray to the Lord. 

On Easter morning,/ we pray for those who have died since last Easter,/ to know the great joy and mercy of the Risen Jesus./  We pray to the Lord.