
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday of Lent

Eranthis Hyemalis ~ Winter Aconite

Asking help for the Church where it is persecuted,/ poor or weak,/ and forgiveness where the Church is marred by sin./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for ourselves and our families: asking for strength in our weakness,/ in our distress,/ pain,/ failure,/ insecurity and bitterness./ We pray to the Lord. 

There are 168 million child laborers in the world today./ We pray for them,/ their families and those who exploit them./ We ask for a new global-heart/ which would see to the safety,/ education and well-being of children everywhere./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for calm minds/ not dominated by anger,/ hatred,/ negativity or worries,/ but the counting of blessings and trust in God's goodness./ We pay to the Lord.

In an unruly political time/ reflective of a deep national anger,/ we ask to be built up in the things of God's Trinitarian heart:/ unity,/ friendship and hospitality./ We pray to the Lord.

For the poor,/ the sick,/ the friendless and the needy./ And for all who seek to rescue,/ comfort and heal those who live in vulnerability and trouble./ We pray to the Lord.

For the dying to be comforted with a curiosity about heaven./ For the dead to realize the grace of God in its fullness./ And for the solace of mourners./ We pray to the Lord.