
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday in the Easter Season

Pope Francis is planning a trip to Greece/ to draw attention to the plight of refugees/ and to encourage a ceasefire in the Middle East./ Bless the world with a desire for peace/ and the strength to set out creatively to achieve it. We pray to the Lord.

In the Year of Mercy,/ Pope Francis has asked every Catholic Diocese to establish a new project of mercy:/ a hospital,/ drug rehab center,/ nursing home,/ refugee or homeless shelter./ We pray for a generous response to the pope's request./ We pray to the Lord. 

Heal and restore our families/ where we are discouraged,/ anxious,/ tired,/ sick or sad./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the children of the world and for their safety/ where they are enslaved,/ exploited,/ uneducated,/ afraid or hungry./ For adults who will protect and care for them./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask for the Church to be deeply rooted in the Gospel of Jesus/ and to correct ourselves where we have become distracted,/ non-reflective or lazy./ We pray to the Lord. 

We pray for parents and care providers,/ those who await the birth of a child,/ for the unemployed,/ the home-bound and the elderly who are abandoned or without support./ We pray to the Lord. 

For the sick./ For those in chronic pain or whose illness is incurable./ For mourners/ and those who have died,/ aware that many die lonely deaths,/ without family or friends./ We pray to the Lord.