
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Intercessions ~ Sunday of the Holy Trinity

On Trinity Sunday we ask/ as we are drawn into God's inner life/ we would find not only God/ but each other/ and all the world in its poverty,/ fatigue and need./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis has said: "I am old now and these trips are heavy."/ And so we pray for him,/ asking stamina,/ safety and health./ We pray to the Lord.

We entrust the children of the world to our prayer/ as they face perils in many places./ We ask for a movement of hearts/ which will make the care of children/ a priority of love./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray to be careful stewards of our planet/ using its resources wisely and justly:/ guardians of the water and air,/ the animals and plants./ we pray to the Lord.

Thursday is the feast of St. Philip Neri,/ the saint with a sense of humor./ We ask not to be overwhelmed,/ but to keep a light heart,/ rooted in the presence of God./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for our families where there is weakness,/ imbalance,/ sickness or stress./ For the unemployed,/ the destitute,/ the refugee and those who help them./ We pray to the Lord. 

Finally we pray for those who have died,/ remembering that so many die violently,/ suddenly,/ alone and unacknowledged./ We pray to the Lord.