
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mother of God Psychosostria ~ Searcher of Souls

This Byzantine icon which dates to the 14th century, is titled Mother of God Psychosostria. Psychosostria might translate: Savior of Souls. 

We notice the lovely silver work behind and around the figure of the Mother of God. With extended right hand she stands in the position of the Hodgetria icon - Shower of the Way. There are vigorous folds in her deep red maphorion (mantle). The archangels Michael and Gabriel look on, while prophets reside in the small border medallions. The Christ Child, with light red hair, blesses us with his right hand while with his left he holds the scroll of his teachings.

Recently a young college man wrote that on his campus no one makes any reference to God. People aren't even thinking about God, maybe a "ten year plan" for their lives, but not God. So religion isn't being helpful today when it quickly resorts to the use of religious language which bounces off of people: Savior, Salvation, Grace, Heaven, Redemption, Sacrifice. It's like talking to ourselves. 

Using these kinds of words can stop people from wondering and pondering. Indeed, I'd suggest that wonder is in short supply among many first-world Christians, and that's too bad because wonder is supposed to be our method from the very start, no? 

O star of wonder,
star of night,
star with royal beauty bright,
west-ward leading,
still proceeding,
guide us to the perfect Light.

So instead of Savior of Souls, we might use Searcher of Souls or See-er of Souls. And rather than relying on an abstract and philosophical definition of soul, which fewer of us will understand, we might try musing on inner soul-aspects of our lives that are closer to home:

Mother of God ~ Psychosostria,
in the lifting up of my heart,
in my night dreaming and day dreaming,
in my fears and fantasies, faith and trust,
where I live in beauty, goodness and truth,
in my flight from ugliness, vulgarity and mindlessness.

Mother of God ~ Psychosostria,
in my deepest value and regard,
in my inner awakening,
as I stand in the world beyond what's transitory,
where I yearn for understanding and rooted-ness,
where I discover still my growing up.

Mother of God ~ Psychosostria,
in the evolution of my relationships,
as I leave behind cruelty and falsity,
in the unburdening of resentment,
as old wounds heal and I discover new strength,
as I expand in openness and clarity of vision.