
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Intercessions ~ Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Borage in the June Garden

In this June-month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,/ we pray for our own symbolic hearts:/ that we would be single-hearted in a world of stress,/ tension and sorrow./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for travelers and vacationers,/ for students and teachers as the school year ends./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who live where there is disaster./ For helpers and rescuers,/ for those who suffer the loss of dignity,/ home/ job,/ property or loved ones./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for our country this election season,/ and for those who lead in Church and State to be genuinely good people/ whose care is to serve people./ We pray to the Lord.

Monday is the Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua,/ the patron saint of lost things./ Grant that we would never trivialize the saints,/ asking only that we would each find our way to Christ/ and the people who need our help./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask for the raising up of new peacemakers,/ people blessed with gifts of listening and understanding./ We ask God to plant in each human heart/ a new desire to be done with weapons of hate./ We pray to the Lord. 

Last week over one thousand refugees drown in the Mediterranean Sea./ We pray for them/ and all who feel trapped and threatened./ And for all who have died./ We pray to the Lord.