
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Seeing And Then Praying

I didn't plant this sunflower beside the compost pile and along the edge of the woods. Maybe a bird dropped the seed there, or  a squirrel, chipmunk or mouse buried it in the leaves, intending to store it up for the winter time. But evidently the seed found the spot amenable: the soil moist and soft enough with sufficient light and warmth. And now it is blooming in the middle of August. Pure pleasure and surprise.

I must open my eyes for seeing, not walking around head down or keeping myself glued only to the areas where I work or where I want to go.

Remember the scene where Saul was struck blind on the road to Damascus and then was sent to Ananias who placed his hands over Saul's eyes. First Saul's eyes were opened and only then did he receive the Holy Spirit.
"Saul, brother, the Lord has sent me - Jesus who appeared to you on your journey here - so that you may recover your sight, and be filled with the Holy Spirit." Immediately something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again. He got to his feet and was baptized. Then he took some food and regained his strength. Acts of the Apostles 9:18,19
Recently the world saw an online photo gone viral of a little, stunned and wounded, five year old boy sitting in an ambulance in Syria after rockets destroyed his family home. The boy's name is Omran. Did I see the picture long enough to find out what it's all about? And then did I see with my inner eyes my little Syrian brother, victimized by the horror of war?

Now the Holy Spirit can spark prayer in us:

Who created the idea of these killer rockets? Father forgive.
Who builds these rockets and bombs? Father forgive.
Who sells, who buys these murder-weapons? Father forgive.
Who is the man who gave the orders for Omran's village to be destroyed? Father forgive.
Who blew up Omran's house where his family lived? Father forgive.

Who are the people who think it's okay to bomb homes? Father forgive.
Who are the people who think, "Oops, collateral damage; well that's war." Father forgive.
Who dug frantically and rescued Omran and his parents and siblings? Bless them, Father.
Who's the man in the video who put Omran in the  ambulance? Bless him, Father.
Who drove the ambulance to the place where Omran's family was treated? Bless them, Father.

Was it a poorly supplied hospital where stressed doctors work? Bless them, Father.
Who tended to Omran's wounds? Bless them, Father.
Who gave Omran water to wash out his dust and blood-filled mouth? Bless them, Father.
Who told Omran's parents that their other son, Ali, was dead? Bless them, Father.
Who kindly reunited Omran with his family? Bless them, Father.

Who took in Omran's homeless family? Bless them, Father.
Who are the people looking after the ten million children of war? Bless them, Father.
Who are the people who know that war is a pro-life issue? Bless them, Father.
The last doctors of Syria are begging for hospital supplies? Bless them, Father.
Is anyone working to make this insanity stop? Bless them, Father.