
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Intercessions ~ Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Church of Mary's Nativity ~ Putinki, Russia

Wednesday is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary./ We pray for little girls everywhere,/ mindful of those who are unwanted, / uneducated,/ sold or exploited,/ whose very presence in the womb is threatened./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for Pope Francis who will meet with the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury next month./ Guide the Church along the way of reconciliation,/ focused on our common Baptism./ We pray to the Lord.

It is Labor Day weekend./ In solidarity,/ we pray blessings upon all human labor:/ for child laborers/ and all whose work is un-seen,/ under paid,/ under appreciated,/ unjust./ We pray to the Lord. 

We pray especially for those whose work personally benefits us in any way:/  for teachers,/ health care professionals,/ the people who create the food we need and the products we use./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray never to forget our first love for God and God's mercy./ That we would desire living only as God would have us live./ We pray to the Lord.

Give help and healing to all whose suffer./ For those who live where there is fire,/ famine,/ flood or any disaster./ For those who work hard to rescue and aid those who are in trouble./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray too for those who have died/ as so many parts of the world are becoming a cemetery/ with wars claiming the lives of even the littlest children./ And that we would stop this madness./ We pray to the Lord.