
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Khalid Jahara and a Decade of the Rosary

I invite us all to read the story of  Khalid Jahara - click on his name here. And someone might ask, "Father Stephen, there's so much sad news in the world, do we really need to know about this?"  I'd say we're like blind Saul on the Damascus road if we don't know. And if we don't know, we can't pray.

Here is a rosary decade with meditations between each Hail Mary, remembering Jesus being crowned with thorns. The prayer-thoughts spring from the news of Khalid's death, which urges us to pray - - - urgently. 

Our Father...

Khalid Jahara, a Lebanese Christian, wasn't killed in the Middle East, but here in this country, in Oklahoma. In this country, which is one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. O Jesus, help us to understand you rightly. 

Hail Mary...

The guards in this painting have made up a sadistic game. They are having a lot of fun at Jesus' expense. The royal crown, the bowing, the faded cloak and scepter are all fake. The world is full of bullies who will not go away. God keep us all from shaming others, making them feel invisible, unwanted and afraid.

Hail Mary...

The first verse of the hymn Healing River says: O healing river, send down your waters, send down your waters upon this land. O healing river, send down your waters, and wash the blood from off the sand. 

Hail Mary...

The long thorns of the fake crown go deeply into Jesus' head. They invade and violate the mind of Jesus where his thoughts of invitation and light originate. But perhaps the thorns also amend the worst thoughts of human beings: self-righteousness, deadly hatred, bigotry, moral superiority and exclusion. These are the thoughts that demonize other people while remaining totally blind to self. 

Hail Mary...

Throughout this humiliation and abuse, Jesus is silent. He does not curse; he does not threaten. Conversely, the radio airwaves and internet commentary in our country are filled with objections, foul complaint about others, menace, disapproval and hate. The priest who heads up the Vatican office for communications says that the world of Catholic blogs is a cesspool of hate, all in the name of defending the faith. We need to ask for forgiveness and a change of heart. 

Hail Mary...

American television journalist Tom Brokaw wrote a book called The Greatest Generation. There is no greatest generation as interiorly, each of us and all of us, in every generation, is seriously flawed. And just when we think we might be evolving into a greater consciousness and expansion of heart, hatred reveals itself in some new and unforseen way. Blessed are the clean of heart, they will see God," Jesus says. What a promise: to see God!

Hail Mary... 

Apparently, the distinctive white robes worn by the KKK can be bought online now: $145 for the standard cotton uniform, $165 for the satin version. Father forgive. 

Hail Mary...

An American news commentator born in India said recently, "After this election cycle, will we ever be able to love each other again in this country?"

Hail Mary...

A lot of religion concerns itself, even obsessively, with correct externals. But murder and all violent acts begin with a single thought. Let us pray for religious lives that transform us from the inside out.  

Hail Mary...

And let us pray for Khalid and his grieving family, his wife, parents and all his family. Let us pray for our national shame to be healed and forgiven. Let us pray for those who harbor hatred and bigotry and for their conversion. Let us pray for ourselves to be freed of anything that is not of God.

Hail Mary...

Glory be to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit...