
Sunday, October 9, 2016

A Rosary Decade in the Light of the Transfiguration

Our Father Who art in Heaven...

O Christ, the light of your Transfiguration shines to the trillion, trillion galaxies - stars beyond which I can see.

Hail Mary...

By your Transfiguration, Oh Jesus, the mountains and hills, the canyons and the desert, even the stones sparkle and glow.

Hail Mary...

In your Transfiguration, Oh Jesus, you illuminate and make bright the plants, the trees, the grass and  flowering things.

Hail Mary...

Jesus, may your Transfiguration-light invade the deepest places of the human mind, where evil plans are made.

Hail Mary...

Transfigured Jesus, radiate light where there is hatred, bigotry, racism and all the crazed fears, we call phobias.

Hail Mary...

Jesus, turn the splendor-ed light of your Transfiguration on us in our ignorance, folly and unknowing. Compassion-ate us.

Hail Mary...

Oh Jesus, by your lustrous face, let us learn well your transfiguring command to love other people well.

Hail Mary...

Oh, that your Transfigured radiance would pour into the hidden places where we are lost in isolation, confusion, depression and addiction. Restore us to a bright joy.

Hail Mary...

I pray to know how deeply I am held in Christ's Transfiguring light, and all the others with whom I share life on this planet.

Hail Mary...

Shine! Shine! O Christ of the Glory-Mountain; save the nation which veers off into shadow.

Hail Mary...

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.