
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Pondering October Aspens

This is an Aspen Grove with snow on Soapstone Summit in the Uinta Mountains, Utah. It's said that Aspens are the largest living organism on earth because all the trees in a grove are really one, each connected to the others by lateral roots.

Aspens delight us twice when we're near them: each leaf attached to a long, flat stem, causes the trees seemingly to tremble or quiver in a breeze. This quaking of many thousands of leaves produces a clicking sound that is pleasant and comforting. Get-atta-here, there's even a name for this leaf-shivering: psithurism.

Maybe the Prophet Isaiah had groves of trembling Aspens in mind when he wrote this verse. 

For you will go out with joy and be led forth in peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah, 55:12

When Isaiah writes, "You will be led out" he is thinking of the Jews being led out from their exile and brought safely by God to a new place. We might consider our own inner exile and discovering ourselves anew after some time of loss, disconnect or loneliness. 

Here's Gordy Thomas' audio/visual ode to Aspens. Nice song. Amazing photos of these wonderful trees: a piece of our paradise planet.