
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Intercessions for the Feast of Christ the King

Christ's Blessing Hand ~ Hagia Sophia

The animals and plants of our planet are rapidly being pushed to the edge by deforestation,/ pollution,/ over-fishing,/ illegal wildlife trade and climate change./ We pray to be smart/ and to learn how to take care./ Human greed needs to be healed./ We pray to the Lord.

As the Jubilee Year and the Liturgical Year come to a close/ we pray for grateful hearts/ able to discern the life-sustaining,/ protective,/ healing/ and merciful presence of God in our own day./ We pray to the Lord.

This Feast of Christ the King,/ we invite and ask for Christ to enter the universe of every human heart and mind./ For the disciples of Jesus to establish and promote Christ's reign of compassion,/ love and justice./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask for the seventeen new cardinals installed in Rome to be pastors and not princes./ We pray for religion where it becomes distorted,/ a scourge upon God's earth/ instead of a blessing./ We pray to the Lord.

For family and friends with whom we gather this holiday week. For those who are away from home by distance or alienation./ For the safety of holiday travelers/ and for anyone who is alone,/ jobless or depressed./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for persons who are feeling vulnerable these days,/ badly shaken  or in the dark,/ unholy or un-well./ We ask blessings of stability and security for our nation/ in a time of leadership transition./ We pray to the Lord.

Finally we remember those who are fallen asleep in death/ and who have entered God's land of light./ Grant peace to our world,/ wearied and spent by violence and warring./ We pray to the Lord.