
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday in Advent

Mother of God Interceding ~ 6th c ~ Hagia Sophia

It is the time of the Winter Solstice/ and the gradual return of light./ Brighten the hearts of those who live in the darkness of loneliness,/ fear,/ and terrorist hate./ Grant that each of us would have some inner experience of increased light./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask for the safety of Christmas travelers,/ blessings for those who pilgrim to the Holy Land these days,/ and peace for those who live and work in Bethlehem./ We pray to the Lord.

Soon we will hear the story of pregnant Mary looking for a place to give birth to her child./ Grant that every mother would have a safe and peaceful home for her family./ We pray to the Lord.

Bless the worship of those who will celebrate Christmas./ Grant that they would feel deeply the prayers they will pray/ and the carols they will sing./ We pray to the Lord. 

We pray blessings for the Jewish people who will celebrate Hanukkah,/ their own feast of light and renewal./ Comfort those who at Christmas time feel no joy,/ who will receive no gift,/ who lack friendship and inclusion./ We pray to the Lord.

We remember all who are sick,/ weakened or tired,/ and those who care for others at Christmas./ And as we will celebrate the birth of Jesus,/ we pray for the world's children/ especially those most vulnerable and insecure./ We pray to the Lord.

And we pray for those who have died this past year,/ and anyone who is sad for the  loss of loved ones./ And that we would all have what we need for our own salvation./ We pray to the Lord.