
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday in Advent

Pope Francis calls today, The Sunday of Joy./ We pray not to be simply happy, but joyful,/ springing from an awareness of the unfailing love of God/ present to us even in times of sadness and stress./ We pray to the Lord.

The nation has been infected by an emboldened negativity,/ fear-mongering,/ fake news and partisanship./ As we prepare for Christmas/ we pray to discover a new Christ-center/ that heals and restores./  We pray to the Lord.

The Syriac Christians of Iraq and Syria are suffering terribly at the hands of distorted Islamists./ In their pain they feel abandoned by the world./We pray for them/ and for the repentance of evil-doers and madmen./ We pray to the Lord.

Preparing for Christmas/ we pray for the world's children./ For the salvation of child-workers and child-soldiers,/ for those caught in sex-exploitation and war zones./ For the children left behind/ and those failed by adults./ We pray to the Lord.

Many thousands in our country live in shelters,/ cars,/ subways,/tents/ or on the street./ We pray for a national awakening/ that will no longer accept this as normal./ We pray to the Lord.

For the sick and the weak to experience gifts of hope./ We pray too for those whose sickness is racism,/ resentment,/ anger and greed./ And for our own continual conversion in the Holy Spirit./ We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died by war,/ hunger,/ disaster,/ accident or neglect./ We pray for mourners,/ especially those who suffer the loss of children./ We pray to the Lord.